Summer Camp Registration Opens February 18




Summer Camp Registration Opens February 18 〰️ #athenstxamen 〰️

Since 1947, campers of all ages have gathered at Disciples Crossing year-round to experience God at church camp. Summer camp especially has a special place in all of our hearts. Camp is great because of its beauty, tradition, sacredness, and longevity. Even more, though, Disciples Crossing is great because of the people: the volunteers who serve as counselors, the church members who drive campers to and from camp, the staff of Disciples Crossing who care for Holy Ground & campers year-round, the campers who build community with one another for what feels like a fleeting moment, but lasts a lifetime. Generations of campers love camp with their whole hearts. Summer Camp is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth! We proudly proclaim, “Athens, TX, AMEN!” Thank you, God, for camp!